We have our own kitchens at Tiddlywinks Nursery to prepare fresh food for your child, our menu is carefully prepared to provide a nutritionally balance diet so that they are full of energy to learn and play.
We frequently change the menu to reflect the seasons, ensure that there are a variety of colours, textures and flavours so that your child enjoys mealtimes as much as playtimes.
We offer flexible meal times, however we aim to serve breakfast between 7-9am, lunch between 11:45-1:45 and tea from 4:30. Snacks with also be available throughout the day.
Special Diets Please let us know if your child has any special diet requirements for health or religious reasons and we will accommodate. We avoid artificial colourings and use local fresh produce for much of the ingredients.
We avoid food that may contain nuts or nut products, but please let us know if your child has a nut or other allergy.
